Most Mums and Dads will know the phrase "Is dinner nearly ready yet?" (usually said with much hope and expectation!). I know it is in our house.
I wouldn't describe myself as a foodie, but I do firmly believe that good, honest, home cooked foods are the best thing for our children to eat.
I have 2 children - a 6 yr old who will eat pretty much anything, and a 2 yr old - who until recently was the exact same - but is currently going through a fussy phase. Or at least I hope it's a phase. I'm reliably informed that lots of nearly 3 yr olds do this. Refuse food that you know full well they like. This is new territory for me - the 6 yr old never - ever- did this.
I guess I'm lucky though. My husband wasn't terribly adventurous with regards to food when I met him 11 and a half years ago, but will try most things now, as will the oldest.
So this is my growing collection of recipes, food and drinks. Maybe even the odd cocktail!!
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